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Current Newsletter

Is the Town Ready for Your Retirement


August 20.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  We are so pleased with all of the interaction we are seeing on the site these days - Blog Comments, people volunteering to answer questions from other members - it's wonderful!

Update on the Blog format experiment.  Thanks toall for your patience and helpful comments about our new "Responsive Design" Blog. The consensus seems to be that it does make our Blog articles more readable and user-friendly on ipads and smart phones, which was the objective. So after making some of the helpful tweaks you suggested the new design is now permanently here.
One of the attractions of historic Lancaster is the vital presence of the Franklin & Marshall, an old and distinguished private college. Another is the number of active communities in the area - there are at least 7 options in ornear this retirement-friendly town.
We earnestly hope that you are doing your homework to prepare for retirement. But how about the town you are living in or intend to retire to - is it getting ready for you? Here's a checklist to help you decide.
Known as "Little Norway on the Fjord", Poulsbo has a beautiful harbor and Scandinavian themed, walkable downtown.
Who wouldn't want to live in a happy place, you might ask. This study from the National Bureau of Economic Research has identified what its researchers think are the happiest, and the unhappiest cities in America. Here theyare.
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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